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Zinc Stearate [Zn(C18H35O2)2] - powder

Stock# C202B

Price: $13.2/lb


As an insoluble soap, it is added to pyrotechnic formulations (such as military tracers, etc) for a marked resistance to effects of humidity when as little as .5 to 2.5% is added. Example; a mixture of 10% Magnesium and 90% barium peroxide is near completely stable in air and storage @ 90% relative humidity. It is also highly favored in metal forming as an extruding lubricant. It is lightly coated on metal pieces before placing in an extruding press to form into various shapes, cylinders, plate forming, etc.. Also used as a dusting agent applied to plastic molds as a mold release agent, and as a weatherproofing agent for concrete, rock wool, paper and textiles. Soluble in benzene.