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Mica, Motor Mica, Gimsheen 30, 30 micron powder, Mineral Muscovite, potassium aluminum silicate. Specific gravity 2.82, CAS# 120

Stock# C162E

Price: $12/lb


Price: $56.25/5lbs


Price: $327.25/55 lb bag

Wikipedia; 'Muscovite (also known as common mica, isinglass, or potash mica) is a phyllosilicate mineral of aluminum and potassium with formula KAl2(AlSi3010)(F,OH)2, or (KF)2(AL203)3(Si02)6(H20). It has a highly perfect basal cleavage yielding remarkably thin laminae (sheets) which are often highly elastic'. Gimsheen 30 is a water-ground muscovite mica processed for optimal aspect ratio and finds its main use in barrier coatings and polymers. This 30µ functional filler is resilient and adds strength, stiffness and flame/heat resistance of 1300°C/2372°F, with low to no heat distortion and shrinkage. Gimsheen 30 also finds applications in rigid and semi-rigid insulation and structural foams and in adhesives to improve like properties. Muscovite is in high demand for the manufacture of fireproofing and insulating materials, as a lubricant in oils and waxes (including, but not limited to, motor oils, liquid lubes, powder lubes and wax based bullet lubes), and as a base in facial makeups. Similar??? powder mica sells for $20.00 to $29.00 per pound on Ebay.