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Magnesium sweepings, [Mg] approx 50-110 mesh with some chips - FS

Stock# C157FS

Price: $13.45/lb


Price: $60.95/7lbs


Price: $252/30lbs

This material is sweepings from the clean cement floor during the manufacture chipping and milling process and packaging. As floor sweepings, it could have a very low content of debris such as occasional broom bristle, wood slivers or dirt. This granular material may be screened for a variety of particle sizes (average particle size approx 80-90 mesh) with some chips. Screen and use for ignition primes, thermites, igniter cord, tracers, stars, flares, composite rocket propellants, etc.. Larger chips can be used in aerial flash salutes or balled milled into flake. Limited supply. No ATFE manufacturers permit required to purchase.