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Price: $260/case of 25


Make your own fast Imitation Thermalite™ Ignitercord for less than 9 cents per foot using these mixtures and Firefox Tabletop Matchmaking Stand listed in the tools section of our catalog. Simply mix 22 grams potassium perchlorate (not included) with the flammables making 100 grams. Next, add nitrocellulose lacquer (1.5 oz NC to 1 qt Acetone - not included) until a thick slurry is obtained and draw cotton strings through the mixture (all explained in detail with the Matchmaking Stand). 100 grams mix will make 130 to 140 ft of 3/32" dia ignitercord. Very fierce burn with lots of hot slag and sparks that will ignite most any composition, even thermite! By including a 32 to 38 gauge wire with the string, will increase the burn rate 80% to 90%. Solid NC is located in the chemical section. Why pay $60.00 per 100 ft roll of commercial made ignitercord??!! EXCELLENT IGNITERCORD!! Non-Hazmat Shipping By US Mail - No ATFE required to order